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Can smoking increase testosterone levels?

Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ in the body — but what about your hormone levels?

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Team Pilot
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Last updated
January 10, 2025
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Can smoking increase testosterone levels?
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Key takeaways

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably heard that smoking and nicotine are both highly addictive and extremely harmful to your health.

Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, and tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals [1]. Chronic smoking is also bad for your teeth and oral health, and cigarette smoke can be dangerous to people around you and harmful to the environment.

But what about your hormone levels? Here's everything we know about the effects of smoking, nicotine withdrawal, and the links between smoking and testosterone.

What does testosterone do in the body?

Firstly, let's make sure we understand what testosterone is, its function in the body, and the importance of having healthy testosterone levels. Testosterone is one of our sex hormones and is produced naturally in both the male and female body.

Males have significantly higher testosterone production compared to females [2]. It is produced by the testes and is key to the development of male reproductive tissues such as the penis and prostate.

In women, testosterone is made in the ovaries and converted into female sex hormones. Women will experience higher testosterone levels during pregnancy.

Testosterone is an androgen, and androgen levels play a pivotal role in males' sexual and reproductive function (including making sperm), as well as supporting 'male' characteristics including facial hair and body development [3].

It is also important for mood, sex drive, bone density, muscle mass, and overall well-being.

Testosterone levels can fluctuate and be impacted by factors such as your age and health, but for males, it is typically highest at around the age of 20 and then reduces as you get older.

If you have low levels of testosterone, you might experience symptoms such as [4]:

There are a number of reasons people experience lower testosterone levels. It could be due to an injury, issues with the pituitary gland and testosterone production, genetic disorders or chronic health conditions, medical treatments or medication, or lifestyle factors.

If you suspect your testosterone levels are low, it is best to speak to a medical professional and arrange a test.

For anybody who does have low testosterone, there are several treatment options available depending on the underlying cause. If you would like to promote hormonal balance and ensure your testosterone levels remain healthy, you could consider a supplement such as Pilot’s Testosterone Support.

How does smoking impact testosterone levels?

So, where does smoking come into it, and does nicotine increase testosterone levels?

Nicotine, which is the addictive chemical found in tobacco, is a stimulant [5]. This means it speeds up messaging and activity between the brain and the body.

Over the years, studies have been done to investigate whether this means nicotine can also stimulate testosterone production or other hormones, but the results have been mixed.

One small study examined the testosterone levels of 25 smokers and 25 non-smokers matched by age and body mass index (BMI) and found no significant changes in the levels of bioavailable testosterone between the two groups [6].

Another study examined 90 smokers and 165 non-smokers and found similar androgen levels, as well as similar levels of the protein sex hormone binding globulins (SHGB) and gonadotropin (another sex hormone) [7].

However, a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies into testosterone in men and women found more research suggesting that smoking is associated with higher levels of testosterone in men [8].

The researchers found that in 22 studies of 13,317 men, smokers had higher mean testosterone levels than those who did not smoke.

The analysis also looked at studies on women and found that in 6 studies of 6089 females, there was not a clear association between smoking and testosterone.

Does nicotine withdrawal affect testosterone?

Research on quitting smoking, nicotine withdrawal and the flow on effects to hormone levels is somewhat limited, with relatively few studies done in the space. Studies appear to have identified a potential link, but the results have not been conclusive.

However, one small study assessed hormonal balance and smoking cessation in 76 men who were smokers, and examined them before they began quitting smoking, then 6 weeks into the process, then a year in [9].

Researchers found those who failed to quit, even for a short time, had lower testosterone levels. A year after quitting smoking, they observed a higher BMI and lower levels of the protein SHBG, which controls the amount of testosterone your body can use [10].

Another small study specifically looked at hormone levels and smoking cessation in postmenopausal women [11]. The women were examined before they began quitting smoking, then after 6, 12, 24 and 48 weeks.

Researchers found a correlation between higher levels of androgens and failure in smoking cessation among postmenopausal women, while those who were successful at quitting smoking had lower levels.

It is important to note that men and women are different biologically, so these results may not be relevant for men.

More research and large observational studies need to be done to give a definitive answer as to whether nicotine withdrawal and quitting smoking have an impact on testosterone levels.

Does vaping impact testosterone levels?

We've spoken a lot about cigarette smoking, but in recent years, other forms of tobacco use and nicotine have become increasingly popular.

E-cigarettes, or vapes, are just as common — if not more so — than cigarettes these days, particularly among young people.

While vaping is believed to be less toxic than cigarette smoking, vapes still contain nicotine and are damaging to your health [1]. The full impacts are not yet known, but they contain chemicals including lead, arsenic, chlorine, nickel, benzene and tin, and also come with potentially flammable batteries [12].

When it comes to the impact of vaping on hormones and testosterone levels specifically, there have been a few studies done.

According to a journal article published in Human Reproduction, e-cigarette smoking is associated with reduced semen quality [13]. Unlike conventional cigarette smoke, it was not associated with higher serum testosterone levels.

A systematic review of studies found that exposure to e-liquid, with or without nicotine, led to a "marked decrease" in circulating testosterone levels [14]. The review also identified other disruptions in the endocrine system as a result of vaping.

So while more research needs to be done in this area, vaping does appear to impact your hormones and testosterone levels.

Tips for quitting smoking

Cigarette smoking and nicotine are both highly addictive, and we know how difficult the process of quitting can be. While the journey might be challenging, there are many benefits to stopping cigarette smoking.

The good news is, there are several options that can support you on your journey depending on how dependent you are on nicotine. Some steps could include:

  • Tell your friends and family so that they understand and can support you if it becomes difficult.
  • Identify situations or places that might tempt you or trigger your desire for nicotine, and make a plan for how you will deal with these situations.
  • Contact a counselling or support service if you think you might need it.
  • Get rid of all of your vapes, tobacco and smoking paraphernalia.
  • If you are experiencing withdrawals, speak with a doctor or pharmacist about medications that might help you quit.
  • If you do slip up, forgive yourself, and remember a journey like this is not always linear. You're still making progress.

If you are in the process of trying to quit smoking and are concerned about maintaining your hormonal balance and testosterone levels, you could consider a supplement such as Pilot's Testosterone Support.

This supplement is packed full of vitamins and minerals designed to help maintain testosterone levels in healthy males. It can also support immune health, reduce free radicals formed in the body, and support sperm health.

It contains robust ingredients such as zinc, vitamin B6, magnesium, ashwagandha, manganese and selenium, all combined to promote a healthy emotional balance and energy production.

If you suspect you have low testosterone levels and are concerned about your health, testicular function or hormone production, it is best to speak to your doctor about your symptoms.

For more support to quit smoking, you can contact Quitline on 13 7848.

Image credit: Pexels / Geri Tech

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