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My hair is so thin, I can see my scalp: Here's what you should do

Just because you’ve noticed hair thinning, doesn’t mean you’re doomed to wait until it’s all gone.

Written by
Julia Hammond
Medically reviewed by
Last updated
February 21, 2025
min read
My hair is so thin, I can see my scalp: Here's what you should do
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Believe it or not, all of us are losing our hair every day. It’s expected that you will shed 100-150 hairs each day. But, it’s also expected that many of these will grow back. 

That means most people won’t experience hair thinning or bald patches until they’re much older. But, if you’ve ever woken to the thought ‘My hair is so thin, I can see my scalp’ — what can you do about it?

First, you can get to the bottom of what might be causing your hair thinning. We’ll be sharing a few common causes which you can discuss with a doctor. Next, you can look into treatment options. Just because you’ve noticed hair thinning, doesn’t mean you’re doomed to wait until it’s all gone.

We've also lined up some tips to hide thinning hair and the common treatment pathways that are useful for promoting hair growth. Let’s dive in.

What causes hair thinning?

Here’s another fun hair fact — you’re born with all the hair follicles you will ever have. That means we don’t produce more. So, when a hair follicle ages or shuts down; it’s sayonara to hair growth there too [1].

But what exactly causes healthy hair follicles to stop producing hair? There are lots of possibilities; from hormonal changes to inflammation, stress, poor nutrition, ageing and the list goes on [3].

Here are a few of the common and even surprising causes of hair loss to look out for.

Growing older 

Ageing is a process that none of us can escape. And really, why would we want to? It’s a sign of a long life. But, there are a few side effects of ageing that a lot of us would rather do without. Hair loss or thinning is a common one.

When we’re young, our hair growth cycle lasts for 2-8 years. This means your hair will be growing thick and strong for a long period [3]. As we age, this hair growth cycle naturally becomes shorter. This means the hair is growing weaker and thinner than before.

If you're into the golden years and are just now noticing hair thinning, rest assured it’s probably natural. But, it’s still a good idea to chat with your doctor for some professional advice.

Hair damage

Your hair shaft is a delicate place and it needs to be treated with care. Haircare is one place to check if you’re experiencing hair thinning.

Anything from excessive hair brushing to frequent heat styling or using hair dyes and other chemicals can damage the hair shaft, leading to less growth and thin hair [1].

Nutritional deficiencies

There is some evidence that a nutrient or vitamin deficiency could lead to hair loss, but it’s still being investigated.

Some of the main culprits so far include [3]:

  • Protein and amino acids
  • Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
  • Vitamins A, B, D and E
  • Essential nutrients such as iron, zinc or selenium 

It’s always worth chatting to your doctor about nutrient deficiencies as they can have an impact on your overall health.

Skin conditions

Could an oily, itchy or dry scalp cause hair thinning? Yes…and no. It’s not the scalp condition that directly causes thin hair, but what it means about your scalp health.

Each of these conditions could be a sign of an underlying skin condition, such as psoriasis or dermatitis. These kinds of skin diseases can cause hair damage, which in turn destroys hair growth [1].

With early treatment this cause of hair thinning can be reversed, so be sure to check in with your doctor for advice.

Androgenic alopecia 

One of the leading causes of hair thinning is androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness or female pattern hair loss.

Male pattern baldness is a form of hereditary hair loss, which means if your family are rocking the bald look then there’s a high chance you'll have a visible scalp someday too [2].

There are lots of ways this condition can present — from hair shedding to weak hair and hair thinning. But what exactly causes the hair to get thinner?

For that, we have to explain the thinning process, which experts call hair miniaturisation [2]. If you thought each hair follicle housed a single hair, then we have news. When it comes to hair on your head, it’s actually growing in clusters of 3-4 hair strands.

Imagine that your hair follicle had a group of 4 healthy hairs connected to your scalp.

Over time, that connection degrades a little bit which leaves just 3 hairs connected for growth. As the hair-thinning process continues, you drop down to 2…then 1…then, unfortunately, none.

So, what causes the hair clusters to thin? You can thank hormones for that. A sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, shortens your hair growth phase from a period of years to just a few months [2].

The good news is, there are a number of treatment options available for male hair loss. While they can't prevent all hair loss, they do a pretty good job of slowing it down and supporting optimal hair growth.

What factors impact scalp visibility?

You might have a friend who is also experiencing hair thinning, but for some reason, their hair is just not as sparse as yours. What gives?

Well, not all hair loss is created equal. Your hair density, hair colour and ethnicity each play a role in how fast your hair thins and how noticeable it might be.

Let’s start with density. Hair density refers to the number of hair strands on your head. It’s a simple idea — more hair growing equals thicker hair.

While dark hair is often associated with luscious locks, it’s not actually the highest density out there. In general, the ranking goes [6]:

  • Blondes have the highest density
  • Brown or black hair is the second-highest
  • Red hair comes in third

But then, there’s your ethnicity to bring into account.

This hair density list is most accurate for Caucasians. If you’re of African or Asian descent, then your hair density is most likely sitting around third place, with the redheads.

Having a higher hair density doesn’t automatically mean lower scalp visibility though. Male hair loss is most common for Caucasian men with up to 50% experiencing some hair loss by age 50 [2].

On the flip side, men with typically lower hair density — such as Chinese or Japanese men — are often less affected by male pattern baldness in general.

That was a lot of information all at once, so let’s sum it up in simple terms:

  • Hair density refers to the number of hairs on your head
  • In general, higher hair density should mean less scalp visibility
  • Your hair colour and ethnicity both play a role in hair density
  • Your ethnicity can also affect how quickly you experience hair thinning

5 tips for hiding thinning hair

Okay, so you understand what causes hair thinning. You know how your genetics can make it more or less visible. But, what can you actually do about it? We’re glad you asked. Here are 5 tips to help you hide thinning hair. 

1. Try a new haircut 

The simplest ideas are often the best — like getting a new haircut. There are lots of great haircuts for a balding crown, like a buzz cut, crew cut or faux hawk.

In general, short haircuts work well for thinning hair. By creating a uniform length, you can more easily hide the difference between your longer, lusher locks and thinner areas [7].

2. Change your hair colour

Many men who experience hair thinning find that having a hair colour close to their skin tone can help disguise the empty space. Think of it like an optical illusion — if you can’t tell where your hair stops and scalp begins, then it’s harder to spot thin or bald patches [7].

3. Swap styling gels for powders

While we’re talking haircare, it’s a good idea to steer clear of greasy styling products as well. They tend to make the hair clump together which highlights the thinning.

A matte wax or powder works better [7].

4. Hide it with a hairpiece 

If hair styling isn’t really your thing, you might like to try a wig or hairpiece. You’d be surprised how natural they can look these days and how many men are secretly sporting one. 

5. Focus on your hair health

Even though we put this one last, we think it should be your first priority.

Not only does taking good care of your hair help it stay strong, but it can also help prevent age-related thinning. Here are a few tips [4]:

  • Protect your hair from UV exposure by wearing a hat
  • Avoid harsh chemicals in your hair products
  • Use a shampoo formulated for your hair and scalp condition, giving it all the right ingredients to thrive
  • Look for sulphate-free shampoos that are less drying and damaging

How to reduce scalp visibility

Researchers have been exploring hair thinning and hair loss for a really long time. This is great news for you because it means there are plenty of proven treatment options you can try.

Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Treat underlying medical conditions 

In many cases, hair thinning is reversible if it’s due to an underlying medical condition.

Whether you’re low on vitamins, struggling with skin disease or have had a recent injury — clearing these things up with your doctor can help promote healthy hair growth.

2. Increase blood flow

Your hair follicles need plenty of blood circulation in order to grow hair. One way to support hair growth is by increasing blood flow in your scalp [3]. There are topical treatments designed to help with this, which your doctor can discuss with you.

But, a simple at-home option is a daily scalp massage. You don’t have to set aside special time for this either. Just spend a bit of extra time massaging your head when you lather up the shampoo.

If you want to give your hair and scalp some real TLC, you can look for a specialty shampoo. Pilot’s Hair Growth Shampoo & Conditioner are specially formulated to help with hair thinning and hair loss.

They contain many active ingredients like saw palmetto, zinc and biotin which give your hair a deep clean, while also reducing hair breakage and thinning.

3. Consider clinical treatments

Pilot’s clinical hair loss treatment is convenient, discreet and most importantly, effective. You can get started at home with our online quiz which helps us understand your hair loss concerns. Next, there’s an appointment with one of our Aussie practitioners who will provide personalised advice and a treatment plan.

Your treatment is shipped to your door and you have access to unlimited follow-ups to discuss any changes.

4. Hair transplantation

Cosmetic surgery is no walk in the park, but in the spirit of transparency, we wanted to mention it here.

Hair transplant surgery basically involves taking healthy hair and transplanting it to the spaces where you have thinning.

The main pro is that the procedure is typically effective for permanent regrowth. But, there are also some cons, such as [5]:

  • It requires multiple sessions which can be expensive
  • You’ll have a local or general anaesthetic for each session
  • There are risks of bleeding, infections and scarring
  • Some people experience patchy regrowth
  • You will have a short recovery period after each session

If you think hair transplant surgery might be an option, it’s important to speak with your doctor about all the potential risks and benefits.

Image credit: Getty Images

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